Made in L.A. 2014Caitlin Lonegan

Museum Group Exhibition
Curated ByConnie Butler and Michael Ned Holte
Hammer Museum
Los Angeles
15 Jun17 Sept 2014


The Hammer's biennial exhibition Made in L.A. 2014 features works by 35 Los Angeles artists with an emphasis on emerging and under-recognized artists. It debuts recent work and new painting, installation, video, sculpture, photography, and performances created specifically for the exhibition. Made in L.A. 2014 is installed in every gallery at the Hammer Museum. The exhibition is organized by Hammer chief curator Connie Butler and independent curator Michael Ned Holte. The exhibition is accompanied by a comprehensive hardcover catalogue, as well as a full roster of free public programming.

Caitlin Lonegan

Caitlin Lonegan’s paintings exhibit a specific kind of abstraction that avoids the grand, one-off gestures of mid-20th-century abstract expressionism. She deliberately refuses allegiance with any formal school or position, stating, “It’s not interesting if you know where the artist is.” Each painting emerges from a series of marks carefully applied up over time. She works on multiple canvases concurrently as the paintings migrate around her studio—from the floor to the wall and back again—sometimes taking over a year to complete.
Constantly evolving her method of application, Lonegan’s current paintings are a marked shift from her previous series, The Mark on the Wall (2012) and the White Page Paintings (2011), which leaned toward dispersing gestures in blank, shallow space. With the dark hues and metallic sheens of her current palette, her newest paintings are earthy and unfathomably deep, and yet still fracture our attention. The eye floats around her canvases as it tries to decipher each mark as the result of a stroke, flood, or spray of paint. These gestures hover, collide, and weave into and around each other, yielding a satisfying disorientation.
Learn more about
  • Fredrik Nilsen
  • Courtesy: Hammer Museum, Los Angeles
  • © Hammer Museum, Los Angeles

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